Friday, November 4, 2011

Kissing Yours Woman and Make Her Want More

Kissing Yours Woman and Make Her Want More

How to kiss a sounds like the most simple and natural thing to do, right?

The truth is, reaching the point where a woman is willing and ready to kiss you does require some dating strategy on your part. You may already be aware that to get to a first kiss, you should aim to build a connection with a woman first.

While that is true most of the time, your main focus needs to be on getting her to WANT TO kiss you by being attractive around her (e.g. being confident, using flirting, humor and great conversation.

When it comes to the topic of how to kiss a woman, you need to realize that it is YOU that she is deciding to kiss and it is based on how much attraction you make her feel. Let me tell you a quick story of something that happened to me about 5 years ago, before I discovered the techniques that I now teach at this website...and before I knew how to kiss a woman without getting rejected...

I was out with a couple of friends at the mall, and the most stunning woman I had ever seen walked up to me and asked me for help in locating a store. Her smile was flirty and I could tell she was interested in getting to know me better. Too bad for me I just didn’t have the knowledge I have now. I completely blew it!

I stuttered on my words and embarrassed myself in front of everyone there. After several painful moments, she gave me a look of pity, turned away from me and asked one of my friends instead. He went on a date with her that weekend.

It was a lesson I will NEVER forget. It taught me that without true confidence, I was NEVER going to enjoy the kind of success with women that my friends were. I eventually realized that if YOU do not believe in what you are selling to women (i.e. if you don't believe in YOURSELF), then almost no women will want to be with you...let alone kiss you.

They’ll just walk away and fall into the arms of another guy who is confident and believes that what he offers to women is worth buying! Luckily for me, I eventually got a chance to redeem myself. Several years later, after I’d founded The Modern Man I came across that same girl again with some of her friends, at the very same mall.

With my newfound confidence, I approached her and a couple of her female friends in the food court area. This time I didn’t waste my opportunity, I immediately took control of the situation. Within seconds, I had all of the girls laughing and flirting with me. The girl I’d met years ago looked at me and smiled, wondering how I’d become so confident.

After another minute or so of conversation, I turned to her friend, pulled out my phone and said, “I have to get going, but you seem cool...we should chat again sometime...put your number in...I’ll give you a call sometime...”

To find out how I kissed this woman after she put her number in my phone, continue to the next page and learn more. I’m about to teach you how to make beautiful women WANT to kiss you even more than you want to kiss them. Plus, I'll teach you how to make her want to kiss you again and again after the first kiss...

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