Saturday, October 15, 2011

RIM BlackBerry New 2011

RIM BlackBerry New 2011

With global BlackBerry
services only restored this morning, things can’t seem to get worse for RIM these
days. With PlayBook sales looking like that ’50s dance where you hold your nose and sink,
and phone sales not looking much better relative to the competition, RIM’s now
looking like it’s even bad at basic office IT. In a comically metaphoric
picture of what’s wrong with the company, global-service outages resulted thanks to
everything getting bunged up by its central server, where all BlackBerry traffic gets
siphoned through. After RIM BlackBerry server toilets started backup, they were so full of
data crap that they effectively denial-of-serviced themselves. 

Customers were the ones left holding RIM-branded turds.The kicker here is that this wasn’t an
Anonymous hack. The problems were entirely RIM’s own doing. The company’s now-infamous
bureaucracy has harmed the brand in a time when smart leadership and clear
vision are the only thing to prevent it from being gang-shivved by competitors,
American Me style. RIM’s complete lack of sex appeal was bad for consumer
sales, but this latest tale of incompetence has even the suits pissed. Increasingly, the
people using BlackBerrys are forced to by their work, and that looks like it won’t...READ MORE

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