Aspiring model Poonam Pandey has again gone topless for her fans. In the past, she posted nude picture of her on twitter which got awesome response on net and following which she become most searched person on net. On her last birthday, Poonam posted a bedroom picture and bathroom picture which created sensational on net.
The video shows the model started a countdown on Twitter asking her fans if they would like to see “Poonam Padey Without Bikini” and on public demand she posted a topless picture of hers’.
Sharing the picture with her fans, Poonam tweeted, “Finally on Public demand Sharing a pic #PoonamPandeyWithoutBikini Tweethearts!! Thanx for Loving me so Much .. Luv u all .. lot more to come in future its just a Trailor "Picture Abhi Baaki hey Mere Tweethearts"(sic).”
She also warned people below the age of 18 not to take a look at the pic: "Warning18 and under should not try looking up the pic. I do not take responsibility for anyone under age."
Poonam Pandey grabbed headlines when she said that she would pose naked if Indian wins the world cup. Though, Poonam could not keep her promise she became very popular when she posted many nude picture of her on the social networking site.
Poonam Pandey's fans are loving every moment of this! After posting her pictures in various bikinis, the Kingfisher model has gone one step ahead and posed topless for her fans on Twitter.
Raising the oomph bar, the model has posted a picture and wrote, "Finally on Public demand Sharing a pic #PoonamPandeyWithoutBikini Tweethearts!! Thanx for Loving me so Much .. Luv." This picture comes days after model Sherlyn Chopra posted her naked picture calling it her 'birthday suit' photo.
Warning that the pic was only meant for people over 18 years of age, she wrote, "WARNING 18 & under should not try looking up the pic. that said i do not take responsibility for anyone under age".
"#PoonamPandeyWithoutBikini after the Pic Releases we shud see a Change in Team India's Performance .. Hope even ST (Sachin Tendulkar) gets is 100 ton soon" Poonam Pandey wrote lauding the cricket team's performance.
Poonam Pandey, the Kingfisher Calendar girl for year 2011, was recently quoted as saying that a "bikini is not vulgar ". She had a Twitter spat with noted author Taslima Nasreen.
Taslima Nasreen reacted very sharply to Poonam Pandey's 'attitude is like underwear' tweet. She wrote, "Poonam Pandey got naked but not satisfied. She wanna do dirtiest things none did before. Wants to get f****d in public!"
Poonam had posted a provocative picture and tweeted, "Attitude is like your underwear; you must wear it, but never show it. But then i like Flaunting the right Attitude a lot :P."
Clarifying her tweet, Taslima further wrote, "My protest agnst d objectification is 4 women`s dignity,not 4 publicity. My criticism ws agnst d video u endorsed.(sic)."
Recently, Poonam Pandey also announced the launch of her own website with a claim that people from all over the world could see her live 24x7. She claims to have this kind of website as one of a kind in India.
The popularity graph of Poonam Pandey raised a lot in 2011 and is now considered as the famous female who was searched on Google in 2011.